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Implementation of simulation training in anaesthesia, and its effect on clinical outcomes (Systematic review)


Masters thesis completed 2023. Requires update and manuscript completion.


Prel: submit manuscript March 2025


Simulation-based training is an effective method to practice technical and non-technical skills
in health care. However, research has not clarified what the effects of simulation-based
training are on clinical level. Adverse events occur regularly in health care, causing suffering
and expenses. Simulation is also highly resource demanding and should therefore be
investigated considering return of results. Since anesthesiology and intensive care is a
complex and stressful medical specialty, it is particularly important to evaluate the effects of
simulation based within this specialty.


To evaluate how simulation-based training in anesthesia and intensive care contributes to
improved clinical outcomes on departmental level regarding patient safety, medical
management and occupational health.

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Med kand Rasmus Ingvarsson skrev detta arbete som T10 arbete. En del arbete är kvar för att kunna publicera.


Owain Thomas

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